Friday, December 3, 2010

Pretend Games For Kids

There are many great ways to encourage children to be imaginative. In many ways they automatically gravitate to natural creativity by playing pretend and other forms of games. When kids play pretend it allows them to grow in ways that define their interests while exercising their mind. Parents should take care to make that extra effort to provide children with learning materials and even programs that are focused on pretend play.

From a very early age children pick up on things like acting and singing through playing pretend. School plays are a part of most people's backgrounds and make for the start to a full blown hobby for some. Why not put on a play at home? Select a story that the kids know well and designate characters. A backyard play in the summer can be a great way to pass time when the kids are on summer holidays. Keeping them busy is a nice break for Mom too.

Get the kids involved in costume design for the play they will put on. Even an old sheet or curtain can become something else with some decorative features like sequins and glitter. When you allow kids to take over and run wild with their imagination, the things they come up with might surprise you. Help by doing any necessary cutting or sewing then turn them loose with decorative supplies. Feathers, rhinestones and ribbons all make great materials for this task.

If your children have an exceptional love for the dramatic arts that go along with playing pretend, consider enrolling them in a drama class. Even preschool children can have fun with this. Dressing up and pretending to be someone else like a superhero is excitement we can all relate to. Get in on the act by taking on a role alongside your children.

There are plenty of great online options for games that get your child into playing pretend. A simple search will turn up more great educational game sites than you will ever need. Most children are learning to use the computer at a much younger age as well. Increase their skills by signing them on to child friendly game sites. Puzzles, match games and even card games are all easily accessible via the internet. Be sure to always enforce child safety through the internet as well by ensuring sites are suited to the child's age and skill level.

Games or activities that are designed to encourage imaginative play should always be geared toward a specific age group. Matching kids up with an activity which is fitting to their personal skills is necessary for success. The wrong program or one that is too easy or too difficult will cause children to become bored or frustrated. Try playing the games yourself to be certain that they suit your purposes. Children love to be involved in creative activities. The world of pretend opens the door to anything their minds can dream up. Allow their opinions and interests to really take form through pretend play and games.

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