Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Preschool Math - What you should know your child

Are you wondering how to teach preschool math? In order to be ready for kindergarten, your child needs to know how to recognize colors and shapes, count to 10, identify numbers 0 through 10, complete simple patterns, group objects by shape and color, and use mathematical language like short/long, big/little and heavy/light.

Here are three ways you can teach your children everything they need to know to get ready for kindergarten:

1. Let your child help you with everyday chores and errands. Have your child match socks from the clean clothes basket, place a certain number of items in the grocery cart, set the table and pass our cookies. As you go about your daily activities, give your child an opportunity to help you count, estimate, weigh and measure. Your child is not only learning essential preschool math skills, she is developing good social skills by learning to be a good helper.

2. Add math games and activities to your daily routine. Simple games like Candyland, Dominoes, Chutes and Ladders, Hi Ho Cheerio, Bingo and Hopscotch are great for practicing math skills. Games make learning fun for children by removing the pressure that comes from formal lessons and workbooks. Set aside 15-20 minutes per day to reinforce math concepts through play.

3. Read books about math. Children's books can be a great way to teach basic math skills. Look for books that encourage your child to identify objects by shape or color, or count a certain number of objects. Seek and Find books are a great resource for preschoolers because they not only encourage counting, they help children improve their visual discrimination skills.

You don't need a math degree to homeschool preschool. Just look for learning opportunities in your everyday activities, and remember to relax and have fun!

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